Saturday, January 15, 2011

Discrete Laplace Transform - del2

I ported Matlab del2() call into Python. Here it is for reference:
import numpy as np

def del2(M):
dx = 1
dy = 1
rows, cols = M.shape
dx = dx * np.ones ((1, cols - 1))
dy = dy * np.ones ((rows-1, 1))

mr, mc = M.shape
D = np.zeros ((mr, mc))

if (mr >= 3):
## x direction
## left and right boundary
D[:, 0] = (M[:, 0] - 2 * M[:, 1] + M[:, 2]) / (dx[:,0] * dx[:,1])
D[:, mc-1] = (M[:, mc - 3] - 2 * M[:, mc - 2] + M[:, mc-1]) \
/ (dx[:,mc - 3] * dx[:,mc - 2])

## interior points
tmp1 = D[:, 1:mc - 1]
tmp2 = (M[:, 2:mc] - 2 * M[:, 1:mc - 1] + M[:, 0:mc - 2])
tmp3 = np.kron (dx[:,0:mc -2] * dx[:,1:mc - 1], np.ones ((mr, 1)))
D[:, 1:mc - 1] = tmp1 + tmp2 / tmp3

if (mr >= 3):
## y direction
## top and bottom boundary
D[0, :] = D[0,:] + \
(M[0, :] - 2 * M[1, :] + M[2, :] ) / (dy[0,:] * dy[1,:])

D[mr-1, :] = D[mr-1, :] \
+ (M[mr-3,:] - 2 * M[mr-2, :] + M[mr-1, :]) \
/ (dy[mr-3,:] * dx[:,mr-2])

## interior points
tmp1 = D[1:mr-1, :]
tmp2 = (M[2:mr, :] - 2 * M[1:mr - 1, :] + M[0:mr-2, :])
tmp3 = np.kron (dy[0:mr-2,:] * dy[1:mr-1,:], np.ones ((1, mc)))
D[1:mr-1, :] = tmp1 + tmp2 / tmp3

return D / 4

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